✍️Create One Issue per Sponsor Bounty

Create a descriptive Github Issue for each of your bounties.

You now have your Super-Hackathon-Repository-2023. Now it is time to populate that repository with bounties.

There are two approaches for creating bounties:

  1. You as the hackathon organizer create all of the bounty Issues yourself on behalf of your bounty sponsors.

  2. Bounty sponsors create their own issues after you invite them as Github Collaborators in the hackathon repository.

Regardless of which approach fits your needs, you will want to create ✨stunning✨ Issue descriptions that include the following:

  1. Sponsor Organization

  2. Bounty Category - category (Privacy, Adoption, Wallet UX etc.)

  3. Number of Award Tiers and the Amount paid out for each tier.

Here are some examples of great bounty Issue descriptions we have seen in the past.

Last updated